About Me

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All God's Village
I'm me. What is "me"? Weird, Odd, Scary, Funny and hyper, all wrapped in a flour tortilla wrap, sprinkled with a little bit of cheese(even though I'm lactose intolerant)and served cold to many unsuspecting people.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

When Life gives you Lemons, squeeze the juice into the eyes of people you don't like.

Ahhh. Yet another boring day to carry on about. Yet another post in my blog for people to not read...and I'm getting tired of all the "yet"s already.
So, I was babysitting last nigh
t and didn't go to sleep until 1am. I was at my sisters house, watching Zack*the two year old*, while she stayed at her friends house. I slept, and slept...and...woke up around 5 to see "one missed Call" on the cellphone. Well, I saw that it was from Carries cell phone and just figured that my sisters was drunk and calling, so i went back to sleep without calling back. Then, around 10 maybe, I sleepily awaken to the end of the ringtone, only to see "5 Missed Calls" go to "6 Missed Calls". They were all from my mom, so I was like..Shit, what's happening. So, i call her back and all I get is. "Your sisters outside the door" "Mmmkay" so, I get up, open the door(she left her keys with me) and see her pillows and bags outside the door. I get them in and then she comes in....apparently she's been standing outside since about 5am, banging on the door and calling me. She told me she slept there some, had to pee and at one time shit and finally just sat with one of her elderly neighbors. Apparently she woke everyone but ME up that morning. So, what's the moral of this story?? DON'T LEAVE YOUR KEYS WITH ME IF YOUR GOING TO BE HOME AT THE CRACK OF DAWN!!!

So yeah. I finally got the Teen Stuff expansion pack for my Sims 2 was a rip off. Cute stuff, but still, a rip off for 20 bucks. 10 would be more like it. But yeah. Soooo...I've got nothing to do or say.
^.^ So I'm gonna post a picture my sissy-N3k0- drew me. It's entilteld "Dark and Her Future

Here's a pic I drew for my mom...about a year or so ago(my art sucks, btw)

Ahh. The Strangers is a good movie..kinda funny, to me anyways. But yeah. Good. I really want to see The Happening now....are there any other movies coming out that start with "The"..let's hope not.

So yeah, since i don't have a life, I'm gonna start doing Sim movies or something. Right now, I've just got three characters done.
(in order) Kara, the mother and Maura done.XD

The two sisters fought, and Maura dropped Kara on her Ass.
And yes, they share a room.XD It's really sorta funny.

And here are me and some of my friends as SIMS.
Okay....the dude with blonde hair in front is Jordan, behind him is
Cheley, then beside Chelsey is me, infront of me in the pink shirt is
Alyssa, The girl in the green shirt with the star is Laceii, behind Laceii
is Devin, then the long-ish haired red head is N3k0 and in front of her,
on one knee, is James.