About Me

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All God's Village
I'm me. What is "me"? Weird, Odd, Scary, Funny and hyper, all wrapped in a flour tortilla wrap, sprinkled with a little bit of cheese(even though I'm lactose intolerant)and served cold to many unsuspecting people.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Life Is Boring

Yeah, bet you didn't know that did you!!! Ahh, but I bet you did. Hm. Contradicting isn't it? Okay, I'm done with that. So yeah. I'm going to go through the events of my life from aproximently 1:30 am to current time(12:31 pm). So, after watching The Eye, which was sort of a let down, I retired to my bedroom for peace and relaxation and the possibility of some music. Yeah well the music didn't happen. >.> I forgot where I left my dvd player, yes-I lost my dvd player-SHUT UP, so I was gonig to use my PS2, well, it wouldn't read ANY of my cd's, which pissed me off. So, I started to think,"Hey, I'll play a game." So, it refused to read Chrono Cross...OR, FINALLY, it read Guitar Hero...which was boring but okay-since I did want to listen to music-not nessacarily rapidly button press the notes-but it was music none-the-less. So after playing/listening to The Ace of Spades, Stellar, Behind the Mask, Iron Man and Spanish Castle Magic I was like..fuck this shit! And just turned off the game console and pushed it off my bed...okay, so maybe it hardly works because I'm an abusive owner, but if it worked then I wouldn't have to hurt it--do you get my logic here?? So after the big crash I just..kinda..sat there. And that's when I heard the really annoying animal outside my window...O.o I think it was a bat...cause..I don't know. It made a screechy sound and kept thudding into my was it a slightly blind bat? The world may never know, cause I know I don't. So then I started counthing the books that were actually on my bookshelf..after reaching twenty I got bored of it. So, I started reading-or attempted to-and gave up shortly after..that's when I turned off my light, burried my face in my vast amount of unmatching pillows and closed my eyes...and....didn't sleep. Nope, couldn't sleep. So I layed there...and layed there...and layed there...and finally feel asleep. Only to dream that I and my friend Nikie were like.."The Charmed Ones" at my school, but the third person got killed by some other witch person and a "warlock", we were like stomping around the school, throwing people with our minds, until we got to the gym where two people were like...standing there, both dressed in shiney pink material, and we started yelling and that's when Brad and David-two other people I know- just stepped in and were like.."Dude..chill. Let's go do stuff"...and that's when I was woken up by an "GET UP, WE'RE LEAVING IN THRITY MINS! I'M NOT WAITING" I crawled out of bed, brushed my hair, styled my hair, got dressed, put make up on and kinda dragged my feet around the house, you could say I am the resident zombie of my home. >.> But yeah. I am a zombie, I kinda flatlined at a hospital, and I was like, "WHAT THE FUCK???"-kinda just sitting there looking around like..UHM...while my heart line thing just went"------" flat. O.o it was an interesting experience. Very interesting. But back to the point, so after I got ready and grabbed my easy access pj's, a shirt and a pair of boxers I left. Left my house without uttering a goodbye. Psh. Like I ever do, and came here, to Nikie's house. So yeah, here I stand! COME AND GET ME!!!

But I'm done for now, for NOW!, but I will be back- just to ramble on about boring stuff that no one cares about..and..yeah.