About Me

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All God's Village
I'm me. What is "me"? Weird, Odd, Scary, Funny and hyper, all wrapped in a flour tortilla wrap, sprinkled with a little bit of cheese(even though I'm lactose intolerant)and served cold to many unsuspecting people.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Th3 L0v3d 4nd Th3 L0v3l3ss

Ahh, the bittersweet topic of love. Who hasn't experienced it at one point in their life, right? Yeah, well, this is me, talking about how much it sucks and what it does to people. Yeah, I know "Love" is magical and all that grand bullshit, but still, it leaves people wounded. Ohhhh so wounded. Why do you think "I love you" goes so well with, "I hate you". Ehhh eh?? Right so, why bother with love, of any kind-whether it be crush, true or lust? Because we want to be loved, we all want to feel like we belong. But what if we don't belong and love has kicked your ass one to many times? We get over it and find someone else...aka The Rebound date. But yeah, I'm done with that. It's so...grr, and a completely sticky issue. People feel different about stuff so don't fuckin hate me for what I say( just poke fun at it later).

So, shall we travel down a road more taken? Or should we veer off onto the spooky road, where little kids shouldn't be? I don't know, and apparently since no one reads by blog, neither will you. So..I'm going to pick a random topic. So..woah...i just got really really dizzy..but anyways, so why is no one online when I am? I think people are hiding from me, it really woudn't surprise me any. O.o So, I'm done for now since nothing I say matters or will be read.