About Me

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All God's Village
I'm me. What is "me"? Weird, Odd, Scary, Funny and hyper, all wrapped in a flour tortilla wrap, sprinkled with a little bit of cheese(even though I'm lactose intolerant)and served cold to many unsuspecting people.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

If you See Nikie and Dark, to the Right is the Big Dipper

Yes, it's true. Look up at the ceilig of Nikie's bedroom. In the corner are two, lonely stars aka:US. To the right is the big dipper, which according to my sources, was an completely random thing. So, what's new in my life--in the small amount of time since I last posted--today? Not much, except hell has frozen over. Mmhm. You read correctly. With a QUICK call to my parents and a simple, "Hey, can I ride to *insert state here* with Nikie, and her Uncle and possibly Eddie?", asked, I had my response from my mother in a minute or less-"Yes" but the oh so dreaded "Let me ask your father" occured. Well, there it went-right out the window. He usually says no-to everything(we're talking about the man who NEVER let my peirce my ears-I got them done when I was 13-and he cussed me). But after a few sighs and apologetic looks, my mother is speaking into my ear again with a blissful and "wtf??" response of "Daddy says yes." Ohhh. See, I told you hell froze over, I wasn't lieing. It was a nice response, but I could have lived with out the "daddy" part. I'm not four-- or a "OMG! DADDY Paaa-leeeseee!" kinda girl. I'm more of a "Fuck you, Dad" kinda girl. O.o Yes, I am the perfect kid right? Mmhm. Only on opposite day. So yeah. I'm leaving at 3am, and probably gonna be back before 3pm, guesstimated time. So..uhm..YAY I GET TO GO...and come back, BUT I GET TO GO!! O.o Soooooooooooo...yeah. I said earlier that I'd miss being here, at Mama Angel's house(Yes, Mama Angel) and she just kinda looked at me and told me just because Nikie wasn't gonna be here didn't mean I still can't come over. Interesting, huh? lol. How many people have friends that their adult guardians are like,"Psh, come back anyways." Well, I feel loved to the max. o.O It's going to ruin me eventually. Or not. I'll be okay, you know. So, yeah....this is a long blog post...
OH! I PLAYED HIDE-N-SEEK yesterday with Nikie and three kids. ^.^ I'm so proud of myself, they found me last. And only because Nikie knew where I was. Mmhm. Being gothic pays off. I was hiding behind a bar thing, where there was no light and because I was wearing all black, the two kids that kept looking RIGHT AT ME didn't see me. I kept smiling thinking, 'I've been found' but nope. I wasn't. So yeah. That was one of the really fun things of my day. I'm always acting like a kid, but rarely do I get to play hide and seek. So yeah, I'm done for now, but later on today I'll post again, and this time I'll post about Nikie cleaning out my purse/mini-messenger bag(PIRATES!) But, until then, cause havoc and blame the neighbor kid!