About Me

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All God's Village
I'm me. What is "me"? Weird, Odd, Scary, Funny and hyper, all wrapped in a flour tortilla wrap, sprinkled with a little bit of cheese(even though I'm lactose intolerant)and served cold to many unsuspecting people.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

A Dilemna I was faced with...

Okay, so me and Nikie have decided to off my dad, or wait for him to die, before I ever get married. So, that leaves the question...who will walk me down the isle and give me away? Nikie says she will, cause she owns my dead body, however...Pat said "Dark, your under new ownership" So, does that mean he will give me away? Or, will Cody, who use to buy me on myspace, give me away? Ah, but I came up with a solution! Nikie on my left side and Cody on my right...Pat can just link his arm with Nikie and guess what, when the preist says "Who gives this woman away" I'll have three people stand up saying, "We Do".
But,that'll never happen since I want to get married in a graveyard. O.o I'm so werid. Nah..not weird, CREATIVE!!!!