Okay, so the other day, er..well, NIGHT. I had a weird ass dream. Really..different. So, this is how it happend....Carrie, my sister's friend, was in labor..and they took her to a different state..and my bff Gummi and I went to go find her. Tagging along with us was some hot ass emo dude who, apparently, was a vampire. So, at first, we got two motorcyles. Gummi had one and I rode with the vamp dude...who I guess liked Gummi while i liked him. So, that kinda sucked. Seems all guys give her the attention, oh well. So, we get to some hospital and see Carrie....when we come out, it's snowing and shit and all of a sudden..gummi and Mr.Vampy are gone. So, I'm walking around the parking lot and see them sitting in a Buick looking car...we get in and drive off....we go to a school where I guess me and Gummi had attended. We went into the bathroom and looked around the stalls. Finally, I go into one and pull out a razorblade from between the toilet paper thing and the stall wall. Gummi takes it and cuts herself and then i take it and GASH my arm and start licking the blood off. Then, Mr.Totally hot vampy dude pushes me into the stall and...starts licking my arm and other places...then my mom woke me up. DAMN IT!
About Me
- Dark
- All God's Village
- I'm me. What is "me"? Weird, Odd, Scary, Funny and hyper, all wrapped in a flour tortilla wrap, sprinkled with a little bit of cheese(even though I'm lactose intolerant)and served cold to many unsuspecting people.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
An Ode to Friends( Part ONE)
An Ode, to a friend, who brushes her hair with a fork. To a friend who has the cutest look of desperation when you take away her sandwich O.o A friend who uses you as a seat at school and wedding receptions. To a friend who just announces how much she loves you. An Ode to:
This is to a friend who sends funny pictures of Teachers during summer,
to a friend who dubs you "Crap-Bag"
threatens to rape you with a ham sandwich.
To a friend who kicks ass at Resident Evil.
An Ode to:
Chelsey~Tomb Raider~ C.
Ah, my Trans-gendered Lover,
to you I give my heart.
To a guy who loves tinker bell and
says, "I'm sorry, but we can't be lovers"
To a person who let me put eyeliner on him.
Oh, how much I love you, My Sunshine.
An Ode to:
Jordan~Jordie-Poo~ K.
aka-My "brother"XD
James--the talented ar-teest-
How are you after burning your forehead with my straightener?
Where is the hackysack that bruised my boob and possibly gave me future breast cancer?
Your my loser
and I, your freak O.o
An Ode to:
James-Mini Skwonk- L.
Posted by Dark at 8:38 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 9, 2008
More From The Sims 2, cause I'm so bored
Okay...so, when Nikie called we kinda thought up a story for my sims...but I decided to play around today and start over someother time...yeah...whatever.
So, I made the "vampire" family, which consisted of
Brian, Cassandra, Nathan and Alana(the kid). I planned on using Alana and Cassandra later on in the story, if I used them at all...all I really needed was Nathan and Brian.
And..here is Nathan arguing with Maura's mother, who's name
has been changed to Annie.
Maura and Nathan again..her dress is cute!XD
and FINALLY at the end of the day..GUESS WHO PROPOSED!!
God, I'm obsessed.XD
Posted by Dark at 5:41 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 8, 2008
When Life gives you Lemons, squeeze the juice into the eyes of people you don't like.
Ahhh. Yet another boring day to carry on about. Yet another post in my blog for people to not read...and I'm getting tired of all the "yet"s already.
So, I was babysitting last night and didn't go to sleep until 1am. I was at my sisters house, watching Zack*the two year old*, while she stayed at her friends house. I slept, and slept...and...woke up around 5 to see "one missed Call" on the cellphone. Well, I saw that it was from Carries cell phone and just figured that my sisters was drunk and calling, so i went back to sleep without calling back. Then, around 10 maybe, I sleepily awaken to the end of the ringtone, only to see "5 Missed Calls" go to "6 Missed Calls". They were all from my mom, so I was like..Shit, what's happening. So, i call her back and all I get is. "Your sisters outside the door" "Mmmkay" so, I get up, open the door(she left her keys with me) and see her pillows and bags outside the door. I get them in and then she comes in....apparently she's been standing outside since about 5am, banging on the door and calling me. She told me she slept there some, had to pee and at one time shit and finally just sat with one of her elderly neighbors. Apparently she woke everyone but ME up that morning. So, what's the moral of this story?? DON'T LEAVE YOUR KEYS WITH ME IF YOUR GOING TO BE HOME AT THE CRACK OF DAWN!!!
So yeah. I finally got the Teen Stuff expansion pack for my Sims 2 game....it was a rip off. Cute stuff, but still, a rip off for 20 bucks. 10 would be more like it. But yeah. Soooo...I've got nothing to do or say.
^.^ So I'm gonna post a picture my sissy-N3k0- drew me. It's entilteld "Dark and Her Future Boyfriend"
Here's a pic I drew for my mom...about a year or so ago(my art sucks, btw)
Ahh. The Strangers is a good movie..kinda funny, to me anyways. But yeah. Good. I really want to see The Happening now....are there any other movies coming out that start with "The"..let's hope not.
So yeah, since i don't have a life, I'm gonna start doing Sim movies or something. Right now, I've just got three characters done.
(in order) Kara, the mother and Maura done.XD
The two sisters fought, and Maura dropped Kara on her Ass.
And yes, they share a room.XD It's really sorta funny.
And here are me and some of my friends as SIMS.
Okay....the dude with blonde hair in front is Jordan, behind him is
Cheley, then beside Chelsey is me, infront of me in the pink shirt is
Alyssa, The girl in the green shirt with the star is Laceii, behind Laceii
is Devin, then the long-ish haired red head is N3k0 and in front of her,
on one knee, is James.
Posted by Dark at 7:05 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 6, 2008
A Long Car Ride ending with an Easy Break
Posted by Dark at 2:10 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Th3 L0v3d 4nd Th3 L0v3l3ss
Posted by Dark at 7:01 PM 0 comments
Blood+ one of the Best Anime's I've ever seen
Not only does Blood+ have a kick ass chick as the hero, but it has one of the best story plots ever!! With an evil twin sister(who KILLS her sisters adopted little brother-AFTER-getting pregnant with his kids), chivaliers(spl?), chiropterants,(HAGI: Beasts that live on blood) and HAGI! I just love Hagi. I missed the very last episode on Adult Swim, but guess what I just watched on youtube..the last episode..and I had to start tearing up. Diva(evil sister) and Saya(the hero/good sister) lock into mortal combat with one of Diva's chivaliers watching-holding her still coocoonned twins- and Diva gets killed. It's so sad cause you see her imagining herself laying in a feild with her two daughters crawling around. And that's it. And that's when SAYA SAYS SHE WANTS HAGI TO KILL HER! WTF??? Yeah, but so Hagi admits his love for Saya and she utters, simply, "I want to live". And so she does, but Hagi does not. He gets killed, shitty right? RIGHT! So, Kai(Saya's older adoptive brother) and herself keep the twins, Saya decides not to kill them..but...what happens?? SAYA GOES BACK TO SLEEP!!! And Kai takes the twin girls, guesstimated to be about 3-5, to "the place where it all started" which is the family tomb where she's sleeping, and there's a rose there, with Hagi's hair ribbon tied to it. "Don't touch it, it's your aunties" SO, HAGI LIVES!!! AND I'M SO HAPPY...I'd be so much happier...if that wasn't the LAST episode..okay. I'm done...you people have no clue to what I'm talking about do you? Ohhhhh well.
Posted by Dark at 11:01 AM 0 comments
A Dilemna I was faced with...
Okay, so me and Nikie have decided to off my dad, or wait for him to die, before I ever get married. So, that leaves the question...who will walk me down the isle and give me away? Nikie says she will, cause she owns my dead body, however...Pat said "Dark, your under new ownership" So, does that mean he will give me away? Or, will Cody, who use to buy me on myspace, give me away? Ah, but I came up with a solution! Nikie on my left side and Cody on my right...Pat can just link his arm with Nikie and guess what, when the preist says "Who gives this woman away" I'll have three people stand up saying, "We Do".
But,that'll never happen since I want to get married in a graveyard. O.o I'm so werid. Nah..not weird, CREATIVE!!!!
Posted by Dark at 10:11 AM 0 comments
If you See Nikie and Dark, to the Right is the Big Dipper
Yes, it's true. Look up at the ceilig of Nikie's bedroom. In the corner are two, lonely stars aka:US. To the right is the big dipper, which according to my sources, was an completely random thing. So, what's new in my life--in the small amount of time since I last posted--today? Not much, except hell has frozen over. Mmhm. You read correctly. With a QUICK call to my parents and a simple, "Hey, can I ride to *insert state here* with Nikie, and her Uncle and possibly Eddie?", asked, I had my response from my mother in a minute or less-"Yes" but the oh so dreaded "Let me ask your father" occured. Well, there it went-right out the window. He usually says no-to everything(we're talking about the man who NEVER let my peirce my ears-I got them done when I was 13-and he cussed me). But after a few sighs and apologetic looks, my mother is speaking into my ear again with a blissful and "wtf??" response of "Daddy says yes." Ohhh. See, I told you hell froze over, I wasn't lieing. It was a nice response, but I could have lived with out the "daddy" part. I'm not four-- or a "OMG! DADDY Paaa-leeeseee!" kinda girl. I'm more of a "Fuck you, Dad" kinda girl. O.o Yes, I am the perfect kid right? Mmhm. Only on opposite day. So yeah. I'm leaving at 3am, and probably gonna be back before 3pm, guesstimated time. So..uhm..YAY I GET TO GO...and come back, BUT I GET TO GO!! O.o Soooooooooooo...yeah. I said earlier that I'd miss being here, at Mama Angel's house(Yes, Mama Angel) and she just kinda looked at me and told me just because Nikie wasn't gonna be here didn't mean I still can't come over. Interesting, huh? lol. How many people have friends that their adult guardians are like,"Psh, come back anyways." Well, I feel loved to the max. o.O It's going to ruin me eventually. Or not. I'll be okay, you know. So, yeah....this is a long blog post...
OH! I PLAYED HIDE-N-SEEK yesterday with Nikie and three kids. ^.^ I'm so proud of myself, they found me last. And only because Nikie knew where I was. Mmhm. Being gothic pays off. I was hiding behind a bar thing, where there was no light and because I was wearing all black, the two kids that kept looking RIGHT AT ME didn't see me. I kept smiling thinking, 'I've been found' but nope. I wasn't. So yeah. That was one of the really fun things of my day. I'm always acting like a kid, but rarely do I get to play hide and seek. So yeah, I'm done for now, but later on today I'll post again, and this time I'll post about Nikie cleaning out my purse/mini-messenger bag(PIRATES!) But, until then, cause havoc and blame the neighbor kid!
Posted by Dark at 9:08 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
A Scary Story
This Is my Scary Story
Some events, names and characteristics have been changed to protect the identity of those involved-NOT!
One dark stormy night, when the winds blew hastily against the trees and all animals hid, there was a boy and his cookie dough. He wasn't really a boy, but a man with cookie dough. Sweet, gooey cookie dough. It sat idily in his fridge, taking on a serene appearence sitting beside the milk and eggs. But nice and friendly it was not! The cookie dough this man, Cody, had was infused with a chemical that gave it life, a chemical that gave it murderous notions. And this cookie dough had it's chocolate-chiped-eyes set on one thing...to kill Cody in his sleep.\
Posted by Dark at 12:04 PM 0 comments
Life Is Boring
Yeah, bet you didn't know that did you!!! Ahh, but I bet you did. Hm. Contradicting isn't it? Okay, I'm done with that. So yeah. I'm going to go through the events of my life from aproximently 1:30 am to current time(12:31 pm). So, after watching The Eye, which was sort of a let down, I retired to my bedroom for peace and relaxation and the possibility of some music. Yeah well the music didn't happen. >.> I forgot where I left my dvd player, yes-I lost my dvd player-SHUT UP, so I was gonig to use my PS2, well, it wouldn't read ANY of my cd's, which pissed me off. So, I started to think,"Hey, I'll play a game." So, it refused to read Chrono Cross...OR Okami...so, FINALLY, it read Guitar Hero...which was boring but okay-since I did want to listen to music-not nessacarily rapidly button press the notes-but it was music none-the-less. So after playing/listening to The Ace of Spades, Stellar, Behind the Mask, Iron Man and Spanish Castle Magic I was like..fuck this shit! And just turned off the game console and pushed it off my bed...okay, so maybe it hardly works because I'm an abusive owner, but if it worked then I wouldn't have to hurt it--do you get my logic here?? So after the big crash I just..kinda..sat there. And that's when I heard the really annoying animal outside my window...O.o I think it was a bat...cause..I don't know. It made a screechy sound and kept thudding into my window...so was it a slightly blind bat? The world may never know, cause I know I don't. So then I started counthing the books that were actually on my bookshelf..after reaching twenty I got bored of it. So, I started reading-or attempted to-and gave up shortly after..that's when I turned off my light, burried my face in my vast amount of unmatching pillows and closed my eyes...and....didn't sleep. Nope, couldn't sleep. So I layed there...and layed there...and layed there...and finally feel asleep. Only to dream that I and my friend Nikie were like.."The Charmed Ones" at my school, but the third person got killed by some other witch person and a "warlock"...so, we were like stomping around the school, throwing people with our minds, until we got to the gym where two people were like...standing there, both dressed in shiney pink material, and we started yelling and that's when Brad and David-two other people I know- just stepped in and were like.."Dude..chill. Let's go do stuff"...and that's when I was woken up by an "GET UP, WE'RE LEAVING IN THRITY MINS! I'M NOT WAITING"...so I crawled out of bed, brushed my hair, styled my hair, got dressed, put make up on and kinda dragged my feet around the house, you could say I am the resident zombie of my home. >.> But yeah. I am a zombie, I kinda flatlined at a hospital, and I was like, "WHAT THE FUCK???"-kinda just sitting there looking around like..UHM...while my heart line thing just went"------" flat. O.o it was an interesting experience. Very interesting. But back to the point, so after I got ready and grabbed my easy access pj's, a shirt and a pair of boxers I left. Left my house without uttering a goodbye. Psh. Like I ever do, and came here, to Nikie's house. So yeah, here I stand! COME AND GET ME!!!
But I'm done for now, for NOW!, but I will be back- just to ramble on about boring stuff that no one cares about..and..yeah.
Posted by Dark at 10:29 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
It's The Scary Chick From School-She Found her Way to The Net. GET OVER IT! O.o I don't know you, but I love you..//0_\\\
Scary Chick Who Writes This Shit---->
There's not a lot to write. Just that I'm me, Mizzuz Dark, and I'm weird. Got a problem with it and i can give you the number for my psychiatrist. My first blog will be a bit about me and my oh so boring life. Okay, I live in hill billy hell in Kin-Fucking-Tucky(If you don't get that, I feel for you.) Hmm. I'm a girl, on that fact I'm next pretty sure, like...100% sure. And I have no life. I have some friends, but most don't stick around for summer.
Things I Find Enjoyable
- Horror Movies
- Mass amounts of Eye Liner
- 3mo Bois
- The Suffering
- and The Suffering: Ties That Bind(Both of which are kick ass PS2 games)
- Blood(Fake or Real)
- Interview with the Vampire
- Queen of the Damned
- The Corpse Bride
- The Nightmare Before Christmas
- Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
- Ginger Snaps Back: The Beginning
- Resident Evil, Resident Evil: Apocalypse, Resident Evil: Extinction
- Seance
- The Bride Of Chucky
- Seed of Chucky
- Transformers
- Pan's Labyrinth
- The Labyrinth
- Over Her Dead Body(Yes, a "love" story, but still funny as hell)
- Edward scissor hands
- The Rasmus
- Korn
- Linkin Park
- Good Charlotte(Old stuff)
- Pink
- SOME Avril Lavinge
- Three Days Grace
- Fall Out Boy
- Panic! At the Disco
- Lords of Acid
- Slipknot
- Disturbed
- Marilyn Manson
And that is enough listing for tonight, don't you agree and if not, to fuckin bad.
Yeah, I have no life and I'm bored as hell right now.
So yeah. What do I do in my spare time? I fall to the floor at Wal-Mart when the Almighty Voice speaks to me, oblivious to the stares I get. I also like taste-testing the edible lubricants and spraying mass amounts of horrible smelling perfume for others to enjoy( contrary to what they say, the employees at Wal-Mart ADORE me.) Hm. Other then that, I do some productive things. Like Draw, Read and Write. I'm an Literature/Artsy person. But I guess I had better go now, and feed Davey Havok. Maybe change his water, it gets pretty hot in my closet...O.o
~Look at me, I'm Dead~
Posted by Dark at 6:25 PM 1 comments
Saying Good-Bye is as Painful as pulling off an X-tra sticky Band-Aid
^Me and Nikie. I'm left to make a funny face while she snoozes away. How wrong is that?
But does this mean I'm up for grabs on myspace??? MAYBE.
Next question...Does Pat still own me?? O.o Hmmm.
Next question, why do I have so many nicknames???
- Dark Angel
- Dark
- Mizzuz
- Angie-Pants
- Britt's Emo Whore
- G.L.S(Giddy Lil' SchoolGirl)
- Spiderella
- Crap Bag<---newest, from a...weird friend, who also threatend to rape me with a ham sandwich...someone save me..plz?
Posted by Dark at 6:08 PM 0 comments
Blog Archive
- I Don't Beleive In Fairytales
- An Ode to Friends( Part ONE)
- More From The Sims 2, cause I'm so bored
- When Life gives you Lemons, squeeze the juice into...
- A Long Car Ride ending with an Easy Break
- Th3 L0v3d 4nd Th3 L0v3l3ss
- Blood+ one of the Best Anime's I've ever seen
- A Dilemna I was faced with...
- If you See Nikie and Dark, to the Right is the Big...
- A Scary Story
- Life Is Boring
- It's The Scary Chick From School-She Found her Way...
- Saying Good-Bye is as Painful as pulling off an X-...