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All God's Village
I'm me. What is "me"? Weird, Odd, Scary, Funny and hyper, all wrapped in a flour tortilla wrap, sprinkled with a little bit of cheese(even though I'm lactose intolerant)and served cold to many unsuspecting people.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Ugh. Shut the Hell UP!

Has anyone else noticed that half the time the titles of my posts having nothing to do with what I write? Yeah. I noticed that, too.
Tonight's Post Title stems from the fact that my little writing line was there when an infuriatingly annyoing commercial was on the T.V.

I don't feel too well today. My head is pounding and everything is annoying. My hair is annoying. I put it down, pull it up, pull it out..and it goes on and on. My clothes are pj bottoms are making my leg itch in the same place over and over. And I even shaved earlier just so I could wear these without feeling like Chewbacca with the leg hairs. That was annoying as well. I have like...several different bruises on my legs...from what, I haven't the faintest idea, and it hurt when putting pressure...but damn. I need to stop being a whiny bitch.

Yesterday was Mother's Day! Woot! Holla at all the Mommy's out there! Woah..that was weird. Anyway. I felt sorta bad 'cause all my Mom got was a watch from my sister and I since I spent all of my money on getting said sister something. Her...Baby Daddy is in jail and isn't worth much so I take it upon myself on such holidays since the kids are too little, 7 and 8, to really do much on their own. My nephew got her a flower pot from school and chocolate my neice got her a flower and a nightgown. The Best Sister EVER, as my sister told me I was after giving her the present I bought (but was from the kids), got her One Tree Hill seasons 7, 8 and 9. She was so happy she got tears in her eyes and so excited that she lost her fork. Yeah, on b-day's and such holidays, I make people breakfast in bed. So yeah. My poor Dad, on the other hand, got the short end of the stick that day. His b-day fell on that day and all he got was a cake from my sister, homemade cards from the kids, a card from my mom and a card and hug from me. And anyone who knows me the hug might as well have been a gift since I think I've hugged him...3 times in the last five years. Yeah. We don't get along to well and haven't seen eye-to-eye on anything for a very, very long time. But that's personal family issues and I'd rather not get into that today. And since I spent 50 bucks on my sister on the DVD's alone, she felt bad. 'Cause she remembered how I was going on about an anime series I wanted that I found for like twenty-five dollars on and didn't have the money to buy after I bought her gifts. But that doesn't bother me at all. I might be the weird girl who has a white jacket covered in blood, purple hair and all together 9 piercings...but don't' judge me on that. I'm not some delinquent, I'm actually a very nice person, so say people I know. I've chased someone down in parking lot because they dropped a twenty dollar bill, I've taken a lost kid in a store to the front help desk to page their parents, I've given people MY money because I thought they needed it more then I did. But anyways...yeah. Pretty much, I didn't care that I spent all my money on my sister instead on what I wanted 'cause I knew what I got her would make her happy. On another note, I've been feeling artistic and bored. And when I feel artistic and bored, it means more UOCS! Useless Original Characters! And this time, it's an UOC for Inu-Yasha..a nine tail fox demon. I've drew her as a child, a teen-ish and adult. The only big issues are I can NOT draw tails apparently and that although back in the day, all I drew on my charries were kimono's I've apparently completely forgotten how to draw them now.XD