About Me

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All God's Village
I'm me. What is "me"? Weird, Odd, Scary, Funny and hyper, all wrapped in a flour tortilla wrap, sprinkled with a little bit of cheese(even though I'm lactose intolerant)and served cold to many unsuspecting people.

Friday, May 10, 2013

I HAD A PRETTY RED RIBBON....(read post for the rest!)

And I tied it in my hair.
It gave me a girlie-girl flair.
So I killed a PUPPY.
The End.

...I'm bored. 
Yes. Me. Bored.

My sister and her two children will be here before long and I suppose I'm just waiting for all the commotion that will follow.

I could go and play Fatal Frame 2, again, but no sooner then I do, they'll be here and my nephew will either want to watch a movie in my room or my niece will beg me for the controller since she likes that game.

Speaking of games...I guess that's what I'll write about.

So I'm playing...Tokimeki Memorial...or something? 2nd Love Girl's Side or some shit like that. Yeah. Bored. I'm only playing that because I've already beaten The Nameless Game for the nds, which is AWESOME if you have something so you can use the English patch. Silent Hill 2 is somewhere and ever since I got the new operating system for my comp., I've uninstalled Silent Hill 3, American McGee's Alice AND Silent Hill 4: The Room so no playing those. I could read a book but that will be short lived since no later then everyone gets here, I'll have to start cooking dinner/packing groceries in. Oh, I guess I could check and see what's playing at the drive in. YES!

The town I live in is so small and backwards, we have an actual DRIVE IN, no movie theater(you have to drive about 45 mins. to get to the closest one), just a drive in. And how the hell do you spell theater? Whatever. So, I'll get right onto checking that. 

What the hell am I writing? A shitload of gibberish. Yeah. That sounds about right.

Never got around to watching MAMA last night so I'll do that tonight with my sister.  I did, however, watch the 3 minute short that inspired the movie. That was pretty damn neat.
Gotta love the creepy shit.
I'm on episode...11? of Inu-Yasha the Final Act and I feel like I need a strong anti-depressant to finish it. But not zoloft. That shit sucks. Trust me, I'm talking from personal experience but yeah. And damn...sad thing is, I don't even like Kikyo but I still cried. I yelled at the T.V, or rather Inu-Yasha "DON'T YOU DARE KISS HER!", because while I don't care much for Kagome either I still think she and Inuyasha are cute and belong together, and yet, I still 'awe'd' and cried some more when they kissed. 

Kagome and Inuyasha are clueless. Kagome, grow some balls and confess. Inuyasha...get the fuck over it. Kikyo's dead...forever *sniffles* best thing is to get it ON with her reincarnation and make some hanyous! Wait...would they be hanyous? I mean...he's a half demon and a hanyou but would children between him and Kagome be half demons? Gah! Now I'm confused! Quick! Get the shikon-no-tama from NaruNaru and wish for Inny to be a full demon so I'll no longer be confused! I don't care who does it but HEED MY WILL AND DO IT NOW! 'Cause if you think Naraku aka NaruNaru is scary, you haven't seen shit yet!

AWE! Iron Man 3 is playing at the drive in this weekend! Usually, there's a double-feature but apparently not this weekend. Damn. I wanna see it. That and Warm Bodies (THE BOOK IS GREAT!! READ IT).

Yeah. I'm bored again. I'm going with Saeki to see the fireworks festival sooooo....I guess I'll go do that. He's annoying but cute...I guess? 

Toodles! You poor, poor unsuspecting soul who just might have enough brain cells after reading all the above to still read.
