About Me

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All God's Village
I'm me. What is "me"? Weird, Odd, Scary, Funny and hyper, all wrapped in a flour tortilla wrap, sprinkled with a little bit of cheese(even though I'm lactose intolerant)and served cold to many unsuspecting people.

Thursday, May 16, 2013


On a side note, at the top for some reason, I swear I thought the house was going to get taken out by an airplane! I kid you not! I live on a hill and we hear a lot of trucks, cars and even the occasional airplane over head. No. I was sitting there the other night, drawing when this loud as HELL sound makes me jump. It's loud and getting louder as it gets closer. I'm like "oh shit" threw my stuff and run to the front door, which is like...RIGHT there..and go outside onto the front porch to see if I can see the headlights of a big truck. Nope. NOTHING. So..I say there was an airplane that mistook my house for a landing strip >.< ~Ugh. I have no idea where to start. I'm itchy. The bra I have is like nothing but lace/netting and I don't know what but it's itchy as fuck. My head hurts...I'm tired. My mouse is giving me issues so it's hard to color the art I scanned not to long ago. I have no idea what the hell I'm cooking for dinner and since it's already almost 5, I really don't have time for anything to defrost. My family, right now, is at the Funeral Home. My Uncle Sam died Tuesday and today is his showing. I'm not going. It's not because I don't care much for my Father's side of the family, nor is it that I don't like Uncle Sam, it's that I'm still not okay with being there after I was there last time. Yeah, it was years ago but I still think about it everyday. I feel like I don't really have the right to say something like that since the last time I was there wasn't actual family, though I think of them as my family and have been calling them that. But yeah. The last time I was at that funeral home was when Elliot was there. He was my best friend/partner in crime/ unoffical sister's younger brother. I just...I just can't be there. Not yet. He was taken far too soon and although he had realized what his dream was, he never had the chance to pursue it. That dorky little kid had grown up into a sweet, handsome young man and was taken from us long before any of us were ready to let go. Anyway, I need to get off that subject since it's bringing tears to my eyes and tears burn when your allergies are acting up (yeah, that's my excuse). I guess I can go off on a happier note. I've been incredibly bored and have decided to make an Inu-Yasha UOC (useless original character). Keep in mind I don't really have to worry too much about the charries and how they fit in since my UOC's will never see the fictional light of fan-fiction since I can not write other peoples characters and am woman enough to admit that and not torture poor unsuspecting readers. But yeah. It's a 9 Tail Fox Demon. I don't know much about them in lore, though I tend to remedy that since I love that sort of stuff. So yeah. It's a little messed up. For one, 9tailfoxdemons can not be born of two fox parents, one must be human and the other a half/full fox demon. They are incredibly rare and are recognized at birth by the fact that they have two tails. Yeah, I said two, not nine. To make it more interesting, I'm coming up with a list, a set of milestones, in their life that will lead to new tails being granted. Yeah, corny I know but it'd give them something to do. And also, even though one of their parents is human, they are still a full mind chalked this up to the fact that they hold quite a bit of magic. Speaking of, they're not very magical/powerful themselves since it's the magic they hold that other fox demons have. Kind of like a retainer or magical cookie jar XD. I have a whole bunch of crap wrote out so far for it and am working out the kinks. See, seriously. I don't even write fan-fiction but I was up three days in a row til' 7am drawing and crap. I just get that bored. so, I've actually drawn a 9 tail fox demon. Actually, I drew her Mother and Father, herself as a young child, an older girl (maybe, teendemon?) and an older version...I'm not for sure if I'm sticking with her adult form since I don't like it much but we'll have to see. Unlike most foxes I've seen on Inu-Yasha, this one is black and white. Sort of plays on light and darkness and how the magic her tails provide can be used either way...that and I liked the was those two colors contrasted in her hair and tails for some reason. And since I can't draw HUGE animal demons, I've sufficed it with a drawing of a nine tail fox as her demonic form. Yeah, in fox form it has all nine tails and that has something to do with the idea that if some demon or human were able to cut one off, that 9tailsfox would be under it's rule until the tail grew back, any time between a few months and a year, depending. So yeah, I'll upload the art that I do have done and a name for my 9tailfoxdemon since she's currently nameless. XD Since the damn site is giving me issues and I can't add captions and it's all jumbled up, the pictures are as: 1. Nine Tail Fox Form 2. Mother Masuyo and Father Tamotsu (which should mean, if I'm correct that is, Benefits the world and protector, keeper) 3. Young Miyoko (She should have more tails but eh, I forgot, okay?) 4. Older Miyoko(like...teens/early adult hood) 5. Adult Miyoko(if it sticks) And I'm not sure what is means..I've seen it as beautiful child of generations and as beautiful night child so either way, it long as I'm not completely wrong and it means offspring of a stinkbug or something...>.<

Monday, May 13, 2013

Ugh. Shut the Hell UP!

Has anyone else noticed that half the time the titles of my posts having nothing to do with what I write? Yeah. I noticed that, too.
Tonight's Post Title stems from the fact that my little writing line was there when an infuriatingly annyoing commercial was on the T.V.

I don't feel too well today. My head is pounding and everything is annoying. My hair is annoying. I put it down, pull it up, pull it out..and it goes on and on. My clothes are pj bottoms are making my leg itch in the same place over and over. And I even shaved earlier just so I could wear these without feeling like Chewbacca with the leg hairs. That was annoying as well. I have like...several different bruises on my legs...from what, I haven't the faintest idea, and it hurt when putting pressure...but damn. I need to stop being a whiny bitch.

Yesterday was Mother's Day! Woot! Holla at all the Mommy's out there! Woah..that was weird. Anyway. I felt sorta bad 'cause all my Mom got was a watch from my sister and I since I spent all of my money on getting said sister something. Her...Baby Daddy is in jail and isn't worth much so I take it upon myself on such holidays since the kids are too little, 7 and 8, to really do much on their own. My nephew got her a flower pot from school and chocolate my neice got her a flower and a nightgown. The Best Sister EVER, as my sister told me I was after giving her the present I bought (but was from the kids), got her One Tree Hill seasons 7, 8 and 9. She was so happy she got tears in her eyes and so excited that she lost her fork. Yeah, on b-day's and such holidays, I make people breakfast in bed. So yeah. My poor Dad, on the other hand, got the short end of the stick that day. His b-day fell on that day and all he got was a cake from my sister, homemade cards from the kids, a card from my mom and a card and hug from me. And anyone who knows me the hug might as well have been a gift since I think I've hugged him...3 times in the last five years. Yeah. We don't get along to well and haven't seen eye-to-eye on anything for a very, very long time. But that's personal family issues and I'd rather not get into that today. And since I spent 50 bucks on my sister on the DVD's alone, she felt bad. 'Cause she remembered how I was going on about an anime series I wanted that I found for like twenty-five dollars on and didn't have the money to buy after I bought her gifts. But that doesn't bother me at all. I might be the weird girl who has a white jacket covered in blood, purple hair and all together 9 piercings...but don't' judge me on that. I'm not some delinquent, I'm actually a very nice person, so say people I know. I've chased someone down in parking lot because they dropped a twenty dollar bill, I've taken a lost kid in a store to the front help desk to page their parents, I've given people MY money because I thought they needed it more then I did. But anyways...yeah. Pretty much, I didn't care that I spent all my money on my sister instead on what I wanted 'cause I knew what I got her would make her happy. On another note, I've been feeling artistic and bored. And when I feel artistic and bored, it means more UOCS! Useless Original Characters! And this time, it's an UOC for Inu-Yasha..a nine tail fox demon. I've drew her as a child, a teen-ish and adult. The only big issues are I can NOT draw tails apparently and that although back in the day, all I drew on my charries were kimono's I've apparently completely forgotten how to draw them now.XD

Saturday, May 11, 2013

I'm freshly showered *sniffs self* and I'm smelling gooood~

So I was going through my comp. looking for old artwork and by old I might mean something from 3 years ago or something from last week. I found some and since I've get nothing else to do...Guess I'll upload some of it here....

And on a note...I'm not for sure if these are uploading correctly or not so...we'll see.

Dunno what this is. 

                                        I make random UOC's. Useless Original Characters. This is C, or Cesay, my UOC Death Note Character. 

                               Yet another UOC. I guess...for Yu-Gi-Oh maybe? I dunno. She had something else in her hand but it messed up so I turned it into a card.XD
          MEOW! XD Don't know about this one either. Damn. I can't draw hands or all >.<
                      Rp Characters: Harlie and Seph. First time I drew something like this. Poor Seph. He looks terrible.XD Sorry, Jay!

Give me back my PILLOW!!!!

Yeah. It's already 10 am but still, it's too early to get up when you didn't go to bed until like 4...up with a small child who decided, at 1 am, that he wanted popcorn and to watch an Inu-Yasha movie. Yeah.

So now I'm trying to get motivated for today and it's not working to well. Gotta clean out the fridge (already did the freezer), clean the house (bathrooms, living room that sorta stuff) and sort through some more cupboards. 

Yeah...just not looking forward to it. On top of that, I'll be yelling at my sister the entire time who's sick and will try to help although she doesn't need to. At all. Keep the hell away from me, Germy-McGermGerms. 

Well, I'm going to put Bleach Memories of Nobody in the DVD player for my seven year old nephew and get to work....but I don't wanna and you can't make me!! WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...Ok.

I'm going.



Okay. I'm done. Like 3 hrs later but I'm done and my arm is sore. I got spring cleaning fever. Or so says I when I scrub the floor on my hands and knees. Ouch.

Ugh. My hands smell funny. Like dish soap. And I HATE that. So I guess I'll just rest for a second and then go jump in the shower. Well, not really jump 'cause I've done that once and it did NOT work out well. Another issue...I'm hungry. And thirsty but since the floor is wet and I left my drink on the table I guess I'll have to wait. I hate walking on a wet floor, even if I mop that area just bugs me. Get over it. I may not be a clean demon everyday but I can be very paticular on certain issues. And wet floors are one of them. That's usually why I mop it around midnight, when everyone else is in bed otherwise I tend to bite some heads off because THEY think it's okay to walk on it. No. It. Is. NOT!
I don't give a shit if you're trying to walk along the carpet that the kitchen table is on...It's too close so back off!

Yeah. Another thing that really bugs me? I tend to listen to music when I'm cleaning. And since most people here don't listen to Emilie Autumn I have my mp3 player, carefully and smartly, tucked into my bra and headphones in. I don't get why people always come up to me and try to talk to me. Not only do they know I'm listening to music, THEY can hear it! I have it loud enough that if I take out the headphones, I can still hear seriously. Don't walk up to me and start talking and then tell me I'm being "hateful" when I'm trying to mop and jerk headphones out at the same time and say, "What??"

Yeah. Stop. It's annoying.

Ew! My hands feel dry. Jeeze. Can't help it! I'm not "girlish" but I can not stand stinking or icky feeling/smelling hands.  The only solution?



Friday, May 10, 2013

I HAD A PRETTY RED RIBBON....(read post for the rest!)

And I tied it in my hair.
It gave me a girlie-girl flair.
So I killed a PUPPY.
The End.

...I'm bored. 
Yes. Me. Bored.

My sister and her two children will be here before long and I suppose I'm just waiting for all the commotion that will follow.

I could go and play Fatal Frame 2, again, but no sooner then I do, they'll be here and my nephew will either want to watch a movie in my room or my niece will beg me for the controller since she likes that game.

Speaking of games...I guess that's what I'll write about.

So I'm playing...Tokimeki Memorial...or something? 2nd Love Girl's Side or some shit like that. Yeah. Bored. I'm only playing that because I've already beaten The Nameless Game for the nds, which is AWESOME if you have something so you can use the English patch. Silent Hill 2 is somewhere and ever since I got the new operating system for my comp., I've uninstalled Silent Hill 3, American McGee's Alice AND Silent Hill 4: The Room so no playing those. I could read a book but that will be short lived since no later then everyone gets here, I'll have to start cooking dinner/packing groceries in. Oh, I guess I could check and see what's playing at the drive in. YES!

The town I live in is so small and backwards, we have an actual DRIVE IN, no movie theater(you have to drive about 45 mins. to get to the closest one), just a drive in. And how the hell do you spell theater? Whatever. So, I'll get right onto checking that. 

What the hell am I writing? A shitload of gibberish. Yeah. That sounds about right.

Never got around to watching MAMA last night so I'll do that tonight with my sister.  I did, however, watch the 3 minute short that inspired the movie. That was pretty damn neat.
Gotta love the creepy shit.
I'm on episode...11? of Inu-Yasha the Final Act and I feel like I need a strong anti-depressant to finish it. But not zoloft. That shit sucks. Trust me, I'm talking from personal experience but yeah. And damn...sad thing is, I don't even like Kikyo but I still cried. I yelled at the T.V, or rather Inu-Yasha "DON'T YOU DARE KISS HER!", because while I don't care much for Kagome either I still think she and Inuyasha are cute and belong together, and yet, I still 'awe'd' and cried some more when they kissed. 

Kagome and Inuyasha are clueless. Kagome, grow some balls and confess. Inuyasha...get the fuck over it. Kikyo's dead...forever *sniffles* best thing is to get it ON with her reincarnation and make some hanyous! Wait...would they be hanyous? I mean...he's a half demon and a hanyou but would children between him and Kagome be half demons? Gah! Now I'm confused! Quick! Get the shikon-no-tama from NaruNaru and wish for Inny to be a full demon so I'll no longer be confused! I don't care who does it but HEED MY WILL AND DO IT NOW! 'Cause if you think Naraku aka NaruNaru is scary, you haven't seen shit yet!

AWE! Iron Man 3 is playing at the drive in this weekend! Usually, there's a double-feature but apparently not this weekend. Damn. I wanna see it. That and Warm Bodies (THE BOOK IS GREAT!! READ IT).

Yeah. I'm bored again. I'm going with Saeki to see the fireworks festival sooooo....I guess I'll go do that. He's annoying but cute...I guess? 

Toodles! You poor, poor unsuspecting soul who just might have enough brain cells after reading all the above to still read.


Thursday, May 9, 2013


Oh, my! 
It's been ages since I last blogged/posted anything on here. I suppose I could blame it on the slow internet. Yeah, I've always had it but since I've gone from Windows XP to Windows 7's only gotten slower. Hell, I hardly ever check Facebook anymore. Not missing much, I admit but still.

So, let's see. What's new with me? Hmmmm....

Well...since I've last posted, Ash and I have made up. Well, we already made up but now I feel like we truly have, and that's just on my side. There for a few weeks, we were on the phone from ten at night until the phone died. She's made waffles and I've played Just Dance. Yeah, we're talented friends ^.^. She's expecting her first child and I'm incredibly happy for her! She's getting married in a few months and that makes me even more happy! The guy she's with is pretty cool, although we've had our disagreements in the past, he's a damn good person and Ash deserves some happiness after the way Life has been. 

Oh, a friend of my sister is pretty damn awesome. We were talking on the phone, through my sister, talking about Anime, Video Games and my dolls when I said something about how I've always wanted a Coffin-Shaped-Bookshelf ever since one of MY "friends" said they could make one and he said it seemed like a cool project and has been working on it...sorta. He's made a really small one that opens and closes and wants me to see it to make sure I like it before he tries making one like it, only bigger. Yep! It's going to be big enough to fit some of my dolls. Mazie, for sure, will be placed there and probably Sae. Lulu looks good where she's at...standing on top of another shelf with an old antique tea pot and tray I found at a thrift shop for $20 bucks. Yeah, seems like a lot but it's very beautiful. 

I've gotten a few new Wii games. Mostly, games my niece and nephew want to play but also Resident Evil 0 and Resident Evil Archives: Darkside Chronicles. The two Resident Evil games were a steal in price and play. Not only do I love them but so does my now 7 year old nephew. And he's pretty damn good at them.

Let's see. What else?
Oh. I've gotten to see some new Anime series. Hellsing, I loved! I'm looking around for Hellsing Ultimate now. I've been watching Vampire Knight and FINALLY- Inu-Yasha: The Final Act! Yea! I just finished episode 7. And twice already, have I gotten teary-eyed. Never cared much for Kagura but still....that was sad. Blood-C..OMA! (Oh my alucard XD) That series was just beautiful. I finally saw the movie, Blood-C The Last Dark and was sadly, disappointed. It wasn't what I was expecting but I've come to realize, most movies based on/after/during anime series do tend to just...forget about what made the series so great. And to me, a good plot is worth watching art drawn by a five year old. The movie was nice but the plot kinda pissed me off. After seeing the last episode, I was expecting to see more of the journey and how Saya dealt with it but I guess not. I was also kinda hoping to get something a little similar to Blood+ but a no-go. I was almost convinced, for a short time, that Saya had a twin but no...apparently not.

Books. I've been reading many of those, too. Read the entire Soul Screamers series after checking out the 5th book at my local library (if you want to call it that) and found out that it was the only book they had. Yeah. See my dilemma here? If I tried to list all the books, we'd be here for a spell but if you're into vampires/werewolves/anything paranormal I HIGHLY recommend you read Written in Read: A tale of the Others, or something, by Anne Bishop. It's great and I had to refrain from hitting my monitor when I found out the next book isn't due to be published for like...a year...which is like a lifetime for me when it comes to books.

Well. my mp3 player is charging, I have a cookie dough blizzard calling my name and Mama to watch. The new horror movie, not some random child-bearing woman. 

So, I guess I'm done ....for now~