About Me

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All God's Village
I'm me. What is "me"? Weird, Odd, Scary, Funny and hyper, all wrapped in a flour tortilla wrap, sprinkled with a little bit of cheese(even though I'm lactose intolerant)and served cold to many unsuspecting people.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Behold, Fiend!

So. Let me recap on today.

I was woken up around ten I think? Then I went back to sleep. Then I woke up of my own accord, shuffeled into the living room only to find almost everyone dressed and ready to go. They went. Two adults. Two children. Only two adults and one child returned. >.O The other child was not lost, I say! She is at her Granny's. Anyways, while they were gone something wondrous happened!

What? you ask?


And all thanks to Valefor. *huggles*

Well, what else? Nothing really.

I watched some tv, read and colored.

Then, later on that afternoon my mother and I got into an argument over soilders. I say that once they put on the uniform, they have to accept the fact that they might be buried in it. She accused me of being cold hearted. Well, I got up and went outside for a cigarette yelled something over my shoulder and was later informed I scared someone who was lurking in the woods away. Yeah. Mom came out there and was like "There was someone out there. You scared them away." See, I'm such great bodyguard material. So now little Zack is being kept indoors unless he has someone outside with him.

Uhm. What else?

I'm tired. I don't exactly know why but I am. I feel like curling up somewhere and sleeping a few years.
Anyone have any arrows? There are plenty of trees outside, I can go for a 100 year nap. ^.^ Maybe that way when I wake up I'll have like some cute dog demon guy hanging all over me for some reason. Yeah, a reverse of InuYasha. That'd work for me.

Especially if I woke up to the golden eyes of Sesshomaru.


- Please hold while Blogger wades her way out of Sesshomaru filled fantasies-

Okay...Like I was saying........

- Please hold again. -

Okay, now for real this time, on to something else. Oh. Envy.

- God DAMN IT! ...Oh. Hello. Please hold while Blogger chases a sexi green palmtree through bubbling brooks and a field of flowers -

OKAY. Now I'm totally off the tracks. I've completely forgotten when I was going to say.

Oh. Here's something. School starts up soon. It's still really weird. People become so accustomed to getting up and going to school and then one's all done with. I still remember August after my graduation and I woke up thinking I was gonna be late. Sad, sad.

But I guess I'm done. I might go trekking through the woods. Maybe that thing that ran off earlier was Envy...or Sesshy.......*drools*