About Me

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All God's Village
I'm me. What is "me"? Weird, Odd, Scary, Funny and hyper, all wrapped in a flour tortilla wrap, sprinkled with a little bit of cheese(even though I'm lactose intolerant)and served cold to many unsuspecting people.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Time again to pull off an X-tra sticky bandaid

My sister called me this morning to let me know that Nikie had been calling her phone needing to talk to me. So when I was in town to babysit I ran by her house to see what was going on.

Nikie met me at the door and had a...sullen, guilty? look on her face. I asked what was going on.

"Well, uhm, Mom's coming in this September for Elliot's birthday on the 25th and then...I'm going with her back to Illinois and then we're going to Wisconsin."

So she's leaving again. I mean, I look at the big picture when it comes to friends. Some of them are too busy with school. Others are too busy with new friends, new friends about whom they gripe because they're just being used by them, but still hanging with them. Others have new boyfriends or girlfriends and are spending all their time with them.

So in retrospect, I feel kinda all alone. Even my yahoo buddies are too busy to drop a line every once in awhile. But that's understandable. It's not like they can drop by my house or call to ask how's life.

So, now determined more then ever, I'm going to try to go to college. Probably won't be able to with the whole Money thing, but I'm going to try. Maybe that's what I need. A change of scenery. New friends. New life, in general.

This is too depressing.

  Maybe I'll write more later.

Monday, August 23, 2010

So, as of late, I can say I have officially squirted white stuff all over my best friend. 
Weird enough, I'm not lying. 
So, this is how it went down, for all you dirty/curious minds out there.

We had spent probably an hour or so discussing random anime characters we loved. My main one was...ENVY! Hehe. So we talked and then she's like "I'm hungry. It's snack time!" So we got up and went to the kitchen and I grabbed something out of the fridge. And I start giggeling and she me a [i]Don't even think about it[/i] look. So I don't. She ends up going to the bathroom and I grab it again and follow. 
I'm silent. Like the Ninja that I am...until I say Envy and (NOT on purpose) squeezed a little too hard and my white stuff goes shooting off on the door. I burst into a fit of giggles. My friend cautiously opens the door and I jerk around to face her and squeeze! I got her arm, dammit, before she slammed the bathroom door shut. 

She eventually comes out of the bathroom once promise her I've put it up.

We go back into the kitchen and I whip [i]it[/i] out again. She looks at me, shakes her head and says "Put it down." So I do. I grab something else and arm myself with it and she grabs what I had at first. So, we stood, facing each other with glaring eyes like we were in some horrible western style movie. We didn't really fit the whole "cowboy" part though in tank tops and pajama bottoms. 

I made the first move. I pose and squeeze and I think I got her. So, thinking that I won't squirt her if she runs into the living room, takes off running. I take off after her. I squirt her chest and she gets my stomach. We squirt each other again and again and the table, carpet, floor and door knob get caught in the cross fire. Eventually we resort to wiping what was on us onto each other.

Then we called truths to clean up. It took about ten minutes. After all, the first stuff I was squirting was pretty creamy but the second time around it was kinda...chunky.

So we put our things up and douse ourselves in two different perfumes and two different body lotions. We sniff each other and realize something horrible. If we keep trying to cover the oder of her Ranch and my Tarter Sauce we're going to: "Smell like two Vietnamese whores." <---her opinion, not me. We did stink though, honestly. And only licking the ranch off our arms tasted good. I can't stand tarter sauce, but that didn't keep me from using it as projectile squirt stuff. 

After it was all over and done with I came to a horrible realization. If we had taped that and wrote out a short summery of "Two teen girls squirt white stuff on each other" and put it on much money could we have made off perverted idiots who would have no clue at all that we were using one odd but yummy and one odd and nasty, condiments. 

So after that we stood in the kitchen while simoutonisouly bursting out into song and dance. 
I'll post the link to C IS FOR COOKIE sung by Gluttony, from FMA, at the end. 

So, we have this little dance to go with it and we randomly go off with "L is for Lust, that's good enough for me! E is for ENVY! That's good enough for [b]ME[/b]!" Yeah. We all know it's me yelling me. Since I love Envy and my friend has already planned to kidnap Al, raise him until he's legal, then jumping him. And she tells me I'm totally insane? ....okay, maybe I am but still.

So yeah. I really enjoyed the like three days I spent with Nikie. It was fun, really. 
Awfully understanding, I have to say. I went to her house Tuesday and got sick. Woke up Wednesday feeling like Envy beat the crap out of me using Gluttony as a club. So, in other words, pretty damn bad. So we came to my house and had a lazy day of watching FMA: Brotherhood. Thursday I still was crappy but I dressed her up and got her ready for an UOC character. I so am claiming that phrase. It's an "Useless Original Character". Yeah. I made her into two different ones. My definition of UOC is simply a character that WOULD belong in said show but doesn't exist nor do they exist in any fanfics. So yeah. I turned her into THE SMOKE ALCHEMIST and as much as it pains me, when we had her ready to be a homunculus and she had green hair spary...I just was like "Dude! The dress and hair make you look like Envy and Lust's non existant love child!" So, yeah. She was the Smoke Alchemist first then she became The Homunculus Covet.  

So anyways. Links!!!! You should click at least the first two.

Horrible Dreams and Sweet Screams.


Monday, August 2, 2010

Behold, Fiend!

So. Let me recap on today.

I was woken up around ten I think? Then I went back to sleep. Then I woke up of my own accord, shuffeled into the living room only to find almost everyone dressed and ready to go. They went. Two adults. Two children. Only two adults and one child returned. >.O The other child was not lost, I say! She is at her Granny's. Anyways, while they were gone something wondrous happened!

What? you ask?


And all thanks to Valefor. *huggles*

Well, what else? Nothing really.

I watched some tv, read and colored.

Then, later on that afternoon my mother and I got into an argument over soilders. I say that once they put on the uniform, they have to accept the fact that they might be buried in it. She accused me of being cold hearted. Well, I got up and went outside for a cigarette yelled something over my shoulder and was later informed I scared someone who was lurking in the woods away. Yeah. Mom came out there and was like "There was someone out there. You scared them away." See, I'm such great bodyguard material. So now little Zack is being kept indoors unless he has someone outside with him.

Uhm. What else?

I'm tired. I don't exactly know why but I am. I feel like curling up somewhere and sleeping a few years.
Anyone have any arrows? There are plenty of trees outside, I can go for a 100 year nap. ^.^ Maybe that way when I wake up I'll have like some cute dog demon guy hanging all over me for some reason. Yeah, a reverse of InuYasha. That'd work for me.

Especially if I woke up to the golden eyes of Sesshomaru.


- Please hold while Blogger wades her way out of Sesshomaru filled fantasies-

Okay...Like I was saying........

- Please hold again. -

Okay, now for real this time, on to something else. Oh. Envy.

- God DAMN IT! ...Oh. Hello. Please hold while Blogger chases a sexi green palmtree through bubbling brooks and a field of flowers -

OKAY. Now I'm totally off the tracks. I've completely forgotten when I was going to say.

Oh. Here's something. School starts up soon. It's still really weird. People become so accustomed to getting up and going to school and then one's all done with. I still remember August after my graduation and I woke up thinking I was gonna be late. Sad, sad.

But I guess I'm done. I might go trekking through the woods. Maybe that thing that ran off earlier was Envy...or Sesshy.......*drools*