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All God's Village
I'm me. What is "me"? Weird, Odd, Scary, Funny and hyper, all wrapped in a flour tortilla wrap, sprinkled with a little bit of cheese(even though I'm lactose intolerant)and served cold to many unsuspecting people.

Monday, March 29, 2010

I need an "Old Horror Movie" Channel


Huh? What? Sorry. That must've been my third personality, the one who's extremely promiscuous.

Excuse me and my bad, bad self.

What the hell?

Don't ask me. Anyways, on to the point. There are so many movies from like "back in the day" that I'm going to go crazy if I don't get to see. I'm not kidding. *eye twitch*

So, don't tell me there is indeed a channel that plays the semi-old horror movies from around the seventy's and onward. Why? Because I'll hunt you down and play and play tic-tac-toe on your back with a whip, that's why. If there was such a channel that I get then I'd know. And there isn't, I know.

One of the above mentioned old movies I want to see is Basket Case. It looks so...odd. It's about a boy who has a a! Say it with me now..BASKET.

The said secret is his blob of a twin that was removed from him. The ugly lil' mofo apparently likes to kill people. Yeah. There are three movies and I want to see them all. Can anyone say "GOOGLE SEARCH" ?

Another is Razorback. A movie about a gigantic pig that eats people. The pig does one good deed. A woman who is about to be raped is saved. He (if I remember correctly), speaking of the boar-pig-bacon thing, kills her attackers and...drags her off to eat for dinner. Hey, beggars can't be choosers.

I want to see Orca the Killer Whale again. I saw it a long long time ago and can only remember bits and pieces but it's all so good. I always felt the Orca had the right to do what it did. A few Whalers, I suppose that's what they could be called, threw a spear thing and grazed the male and hit the female. They pulled her on board and at the same time, her unborn whale-baby comes ripping out of her. The estranged Father ends up going after the people who killed both his mate and child. It was really sad, it made me cry as a child. But that's just me. I'd rather see humans suffer when opposed to animals.

Why? Some people don't understand my reasoning on that one. We people can do something about our suffering. If were hungry we can reach and get food easily. If we're thirsty, grab a can of pop( woah, sounds so retro), if we're cold, we cover up. Animals can't help themselves to easily and readily available food. If they're cold they're at the mercy of nature or their owner. They have to fend for themselves. I don't know how exactly this post got me off on a rant about animal suffering and such but it's expected.

I write one thing and it sparks another. So get over it.

Basket Case (and just think, that ugly mo' has kids in the third movie)

RAZORBACK! I'm trying to get it right now, My Mom remembers it and thinks the video store can order it. WOOT WOOT.

Orca The Killer Whale