About Me

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All God's Village
I'm me. What is "me"? Weird, Odd, Scary, Funny and hyper, all wrapped in a flour tortilla wrap, sprinkled with a little bit of cheese(even though I'm lactose intolerant)and served cold to many unsuspecting people.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

People, festivals and watermelons...Oh My!

Yeah....Saturday was the Annual Watermelon festival...woot woot? It was boring as hell. Hot as hell. AND! expensive as hell. I mean...a drink was three bucks. To get your face painted...six. Anyone stupid enough to pay that much well...we're not gonna go into detail about what I think of your stupidity. So, Angel, Nikie, Tyler and I were up there around nine or ten to watch the parade. It seems like the stuff like this is getting worser and worser each year. Oh...yay. Look an old police AMBULANCE! AWESOME!...not. The little cars were pretty cool though. And so was the old timey gangster looking car. (JAY! Get ready, Nikie and I are gonna steal it, we'll be there to pick you up soon.) But...after that...horses, tractors and a few motorcycles...yay? Oh, and my favorite...the cheerleaders. "*clapping* GO ROE GO! I was mean to a lot of people on the floats. I made fun of cheerleaders, my specialty, and waved frantically to Ronald McDonald who, by the way, didn't even acknowledge me! That really hurt my feelings! Okay...not really but still. So we left.
Back at Angel's house we cooled off and ate some burgers then Holly showed up. We went with her for a bit. Instead of going to the festival like she said she was, we ended up at City Park. Nikie and Holly walked out into the water for a bit and then I wanted to go to a play ground so we did. But it was the crappy one. The real nice one that had the slide had an abundance of small people there. But that was okay. The one we were at had four swings, just enough for all four of us, and some of those rocking was a truck and the other an alligator with room for two. I'm sure you can guess what I ran to first. Yes...the alligator. Nikie jumped on the back and we rocked back and fourth, all the while Holly was taping us on her camera. That was AFTER I said something about how it was the motions of sex. It was,too. Pushing down, coming back was...odd. And sad, with me in a skirt. Zach came over and pushed it down really hard
and Nikie and I almost flew off. He kept doing it and then he stopped.
"Come on Zach! Slow, sensual movements!" Holly, of course, caught that on tape.
So we swung next and Zach twisted me on the swing. Then a competition of who could go higher. Then I stopped and ended up taking off nikie's flip flops and putting them back on while she was still swinging.
Finally, we left. Went to the W.M.F and I saw my dad there...shocked, i jumped out of the truck in moving traffic and went over to visit with Nikie. Then we went to glasgow to eat dinner. Chinese...mmm. But didn't finish eating 'cause we had called Angel and originally she said to be back by six thirty on the phone it was five forty something and she said we wouldn't be back by six. So we had to speed home in really bad rain storms. Unfair. And we were gonna go to holly's dorm to see her room and stuff. She says there are two asian boys there, twins, and that I'd like them, so I really really wanted to go. But we'll have to next time i guess, make a day out of it.
So we got home around six ten and walked with Angel to the festival. It was time for the street dance. I didn't wanna go, at all, but I did 'cause they asked me to.

While there, I saw some people from school and talked to them, I got a few random hugs from people like Shelia and the "Oh! I miss you sooo much!"'s from most of them. So, nikie and I walked to McDonalds and got drinks then went back. And people had ran their mouths, like always. Angel had just been with her oldest son when five mins later, people were telling her he was completely messed up. He came over to her and he was fine and eventually, she took him to everyone who had said he was messed up and asked them if he looked messed up to them...all of which said No.

So then, we heard a rumor that he had two girls who were gonna beat up his x-wife, seperated-not really divorced yet. It was the next morning before I found it those two girls were none other then Nikie and I. I wish someone would've told us about that, we didn't have a clue.XD So yeah...what an eventful day.
We ended up ending that night by watching Angel draw funny pictures on my Okami game. First she drew Nikie and then my Emo Asian boy....and damn...he looked funny but Nikie looked worse. So I finally went to bed around 11 or so. Remember people, I had been up and going since 4:15 that morning. I woke up today around noon when the bedroom door opened...funny thing was, no one was home. Well, Nikie was but she was still asleep upstairs. So who knows anymore. All I know is I'm tired right now. Like...dead tired pretty much. I slept to late today so I'm still sleepy. My body is too odd like that. But I'ma done with this post I guess. Nothing much else to say besides...........BLEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.