About Me

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All God's Village
I'm me. What is "me"? Weird, Odd, Scary, Funny and hyper, all wrapped in a flour tortilla wrap, sprinkled with a little bit of cheese(even though I'm lactose intolerant)and served cold to many unsuspecting people.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Maybe If You Shook It....?

I'm home and I come baring nasty gifts. During my week stay with Nikie my sister called, she and her two kids were sick. Guess who got snagged into leaving her friends house and going there? If you said my Imaginary friend, George, then you were gravely wrong. He stayed there, wreaking havoc when people turned their backs....what the hell? I'm browsing through, I'm a gamer-girl duh, and...I've found a gba game...March of the Penguins. Who in their right mind would really spend anywhere from 30 to 60 bucks on THAT? No offense if YOU have it, but I'd never give it a second glance....maybe not even a first. Now..back to what I was saying. Yes, I had to go. Two days I stayed. I chased kids, cleaned messes, made food, cleaned up said food, refilled sippy cups god knows how many times, bathed them(the kids, not my sister) and bleh. On the third day of being there...I was just so tired and began the dreaded coughing, headache, nausea and ear pain that plagued them all. So I said I was going back to Angel's. My sister was better, my nephew had gone back to the doctor and got more medicine, so everything was all right.
I missed being there. As odd and as sad as it sounds, that house feels more like home to me then the house I've spent the majority of my life in.


Well, here where my biological parents live, I'd have to BEG my mom to even play a board game with me, and usually all I got was an "I'm too tired."
When I got my PS and PS2, same deal. But she was either too tired or just didn't want to.

Now, at my adoptive parents(yes, mark and angel are my adoptive parents, whether they know it or not) we play games(Phase Ten, Sorry!, Checkers) and we all also spend hours at times, playing either nintendo, gamecube or ps2. Anything from Maniac Mansion to Zelda to Shadow Hearts and Fatal Frame(only when Tyler's asleep or gone do we break out that game).

At my's soooo quite. I sometimes go weeks without getting to talk to my Mom(she sometimes leaves for work before I even wake up) and my dad...well, we don't exchange pleasantries, that's for sure. And, an true example. It was about 6 o'clock that I noticed I was alone in the house. My dad came home around 9. "Where have you been?" "At Dad's, since about 4.".....sad, isn't it?

At Angel's house. Someone is always laughing, someone's always talking unless we're all totally engrossed in the ending scene of a game we've all worked together to beat. It's so much more lively there. And in the beginning when I started going over, I'd always get headaches from the noise from where I'm so use to hearing nothing but the drone of a T.V somewhere in the house or my fingers making their way across my keyboard.

We get to have food fights there,too. I may be 18, but I'm such a kid, I don't have an inner child, mine is out. At my house, dad would start yelling, Mom would tell us to behave. At Mark and Angels, it's sometimes one of them who starts it with either a well aimed deviled egg or handful of whip cream.

There are so many differences in this house and theirs. And if I had to choose, I'd rather live there with Angel, Tyler and Nikie. And looking at it now, I can understand why some of the people that end up befriending me, ask me why I'm such a loner but have the "Giddy-Lil'-School-Girl" nickname. I was raised like that I suppose. I played by myself, always afraid of being told No when I asked My mom to play a game with me. I'm use to going off by myself even though the initial pang of loneliness gets me every time. I love having friends but some of them just don't get why sometimes, I don't talk or laugh like usual. I'm a loner friend, that's all there is to it.

Now I think I'm almost done with my random little bits of information and the little peak into depraved and frightening mind.

Question of this Blog: How many people does it take to get a lip ring in?

Answer to the Question of this Blog:
Normally? One.
When the lip ring is in Nikie's mouth..two.
One to hold it in and the other to screw on the ball. Yes, it took us about fifteen minutes to get the damn lip ring I gave her in.

And on that note, my lip never closed up. Yes it was infected but I fought tooth and nail and kept the fucker open...and I've lost two studs already after just buying MORE lip rings like...a week ago.