So like...yeah! XD
Anyways, I haven't really BLOGGED in awhile. I've had tons of things to say time..okay, that's a lie. I just didn't feel like saying them or I just...was too busy moping around to do so. Or i was wayyyyyy to busy convincing insurance companies that they should have policies for freakishly large lady bugs.
So yeah.
Let's see....Let's do lists!
Things that Annoy me
- People who rp but don't wait for others to post
- People who say "I'll check your bio this week" and don't and then say they just didn't have the time when in reality, they've been posting on three rps the entire time
- Being cold and having no one to snuggle
- Asthma and anemia(Oh woe is me! what other illnesses beginning with A shall find me??)
- My dad going to bed really early---why?---because even though I'm an legal computer is still in my 'rents room...some bullshit over not being able to have a modem reach my room....apparently he forgot that, years ago, my computer was IN my room-internet connected.
- Uhm.....
- yawning....repeatedly....
- <----is a loser
- <---is the losers best friend
- <---the ax murderer's secret identity
- <---is the losers secret super hero identity
- <---is the losers sidekick
- <---is the losers stalker
- <---is the stalkers rapist
- <---is the rapists murderer
- <---is the ax murderers mother OHHHH!! How's that for a twist???
- <---is the losers x-bf who's really her brother, neither know
Okay so yeah. Maybe I should get back to the point..and what was that again?
Yeah. Been feeling a little lonely lately. Not really bad. I've had friends like Jay and Alex(who are both wonderful and I loves you both) to keep me happy/company. But I dunno. When you turn 18 it's like...everything changes. You don't feel older, you just feel all the weight of the world bearing down on you. You start to really worry about shit like money, jobs, cars, your future..and being alone in said future. But hell, what do I know?
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