About Me

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All God's Village
I'm me. What is "me"? Weird, Odd, Scary, Funny and hyper, all wrapped in a flour tortilla wrap, sprinkled with a little bit of cheese(even though I'm lactose intolerant)and served cold to many unsuspecting people.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Stop Correcting Me! Leave me and my errors in peace!!!

Ahhhhh. Today was the..uhm...*counts on fingers* the fifth day of school. And yes, I really did count on my fingers(I suck at math people, I'm not lying). So yeah. They really messed my shcedule up but oh well. It's my last year, thank god for that,too-in some ways.

First block hasn't been horrible yet, it's eng. so go figure. I have Suspension and Steering-automotive class- 2nd block. Chelsey AND Devin were in there but Devin opted out for a different class. So now, second block has three girls and six guys. Third block is History-stupid last year history teacher-it's not to bad it just seems like the teacher doesn't like me. fourth is alge.2 and I have Hunt, now Mrs. Copass and i love her to death so it's not to bad. Fifth is business math taught by Hagen and she's okay-she usually forgets what she WAS gonna do during class and ppl end up either doing errands for her or talking.

So, Mom and I are going to glasgow this weekend-cause a store called Underground Attitude is going out of business and we really want good chinease food. Hm. I have a test in Eng tomorrow, I just now remembered that. Opps. Oh well. Heh. I was eating these weird gummi bugs-yes gummi bugs not gummi bears. It was cool cause they have like..a liquid center and when you bite into it, it's like the blood and guts are rushing into your mouth. Pretty cool huh? ^.^ I like em!

Oui. I haven't been drawing a lot lately, or writing a lot. I don't know what's up with me, just really tired I guess. I was tired and didn't feel good this morning- I begged mom to let me stay home since I missed my bus- which apparently was 15 mins early according to my Grandfather. But nooooooo. I had to go to school..yippee?

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. What else? Why do I even bother??? NO ONE READS THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
O.o Guess I'm just that bored sometimes. I swear-I'm seriously considoring moving to alaska or something to raise penguins on a penguin farm.
V.V I have no more cigarettes. Oh well. I'll go get some more.
But yeah...I was gonna add something else but I forgot. Hm. Oh well...
Yeah. I'm done for now.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

They Say High School Never ends. But it does, and too soon.

It feels weird, you know?
I woke up this morning thinking it wasn't right.
I must've dreamed the last three years away.
But nope. Tomorrow marks the beginning of my last year at an obnoxious high school.
They always told me the years would fly by and I never believed them.

I remember my Freshman Year.
My first block class was Brake Systems, in the Voc. school. The teacher was Mr.E. I remember what I wore that day,too. A Good Charlotte shirt, black Capri pants, fishnet leggings and boots. I remember that most guys in that class tried to treat Melissa, Amber and I like we weren't any good. We usually got put on clean up duty but it was fun since I usually got to tell every single guy that to do that day. Seems petty, but I enjoyed instructing them to scrub something off the floor. It changed. We still had to clean and direct the others how to clean but some of the guys came around to the simple fact that "girls can do that,too". I changed the oil on cars, took off tires, put tires on, took everything off the wheel and put on new break shoes and pads and put it back together.

I remember my sophomore year. I had an "self-paced" science class where the teacher really disliked Holly, Chanda and I. Holly always read in her class but we all got fussed on. She told us that we were behind but how could we be in a so called "self-pacing; self-teaching" class. I didn't like that teacher at all. She didn't explain things to us, she just handed out booklets and said "Here's all your work for the semester" I was waiting for her to add "good luck" but she never did. She fussed on students when they asked her help and would tell them to get a science book and look it up. A lot of people failed her class and would complain "she doesn't teach us anything!" It was no lie, she wasn't. She would take the time to work on the work she had from taking more college classes. We heard the next year that she wasn't doing that anymore.

I remember my Junior year.
I'm not much of a science person, but 3rd block Chemistry was fun. Not only did I have a handful of friends in that class(Jordan, Brad, Holly and Chelsey) but the teacher was pretty good. She took time to explain things- if we did absolutely horrible on a test she'd make us study again and retake it. She wouldn't let us keep the best grade but did average them together, either way it helped. She took her time showing us things, took time outs for little stories that not only pertained to the class but were also interesting(like the story about the time she blew a hole in the ceiling). During the end of the year, if the weather was nice and after we all had absorbed the lesson of the day and gotten our homework-she'd let us sit outside and work. After the CATS test she told us she felt we did our best and we ordered out for lunch. She was animated and made learning fun. When she was on the subject of atoms, protons and electrons-she ran around the students as an example of being an atom.
My English three class was my second favorite class that year( First Place went to Art 3).
The class was extremely easy for me. Sure-we had, altogether, 80+ vocabulary words, but I never failed one of those tests-I never studied either. He was a laid back teacher when it came to grading things like open responses, he went over the material for tests very well. And he was one of my ONLY English teachers who encouraged reading and who believed in us as a class. We were allowed to choose a novel from a list of four at the beginning of the year.
I chose the longest book on the list and had it read within the week. I asked him if it was okay in an apologetic tone. In other classes, when I or Holly had the assigned reading done quickly, we were scolded. He just told me to hold onto the book and asked me if I'd like to read another. I read all the books on the list before some people finished with the thinnest book. I read those four, then Catcher In the Rye, The Bluest Eyes, 100 years of Solitude, The Ballad of the Sad Cafe' along with other books my friends were handing to me.
He was happy that some students loved to read. And then, when it came time to read a book as a class he changed it. We were suppose to read The Call of the Wild but he felt we were to smart for that and we ended up reading "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald. It's one of my favorites now. I think my junior year was my funnest. I had fun teachers and plenty of books.

I don't remember my Senior Year.
How could I?
It's yet to begun.
It will though, in 13 hours.
I'm excited, but scared.
I'll miss all my friends but I know we'll keep in touch either way.
That's right people, the scary gothic looking girl will be crying on the last day of High school;the first day of the rest of her life.