About Me

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All God's Village
I'm me. What is "me"? Weird, Odd, Scary, Funny and hyper, all wrapped in a flour tortilla wrap, sprinkled with a little bit of cheese(even though I'm lactose intolerant)and served cold to many unsuspecting people.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A rarity so R!A!R!E

Have you ever, for just one moment, sat and thought about people? Not people you know, but the people you don’t know? Maybe you’ve thought about that girl that seemed nice but you just didn’t pursue any kind of relationship with, friend or otherwise. What about the boy who seemed so willing to lend an ear even if denied the same courtesy.
            Can you lay awake at night and think about where the one person who you’ll be with forever is? What they’re doing? Who they’re with? Or have you decided, on some misguided principal, that there’s no one out there for you? That perhaps being alone is better or even what you truly deserve? 

             It's not. You don't deserve to be alone. Not now, not before, not ever. Everyone is unique and in turn, everyone has someone who will appreciate them for who they've become not for what they can be. 

             Not everyone bases everything on looks. So what if you're scarred, fair, big or small. You are you and there's no one out there just the same. And don't ever lower yourself to thinking you should be different. Don't let others influence you and change you when you don't want to be changed. Take pride in who you are just as the person who truly loves you will. 

               Be Brave. Be Silly. Be Odd. Be Normal. Be Scared. Be Alive.
                                       But don't ever be discouraged
                                               You ARE loved.
                                            Even if you don't beleive it.